COMM 240 · Weekly Post

Email Upgrade

It seems like every month, there is a new, magical phone app that comes out. I see them on social media, along with being told by friends. There is an app tailored for everything now, whether it helps with studying or keeping your brain sharp.

google calendar iphone icon
Image: Cio

One app I heard good things about was Google Calendar. I had friends, and even a professor, say that it was really helpful. I never really thought about downloading it myself, mostly because the iPhone comes with a free calendar already downloaded onto the device. I personally did not feel like I needed something I already had on my phone. Never-the-less, I decided I would try it and see if it was worth the hype.

Overall Impressions

After playing around with it for a few days, I really enjoy the app and the features it has. My reasons are pretty simple:

  1. The colors. As simple as it sounds, I love being able to change the event color to match the category I have placed it under. On the other calendar app I was using, I could add the event, but then I would need to go on my computer to change the color. It might not be as big of a deal to others, but I really like the option to change the colors.
  2. Shared calendars. As of right now, I have several shared calendars on my school email. Instead of having to go on my computer to cross check my schedules, I am able to do it from my phone. This saves time when I am trying to schedule something and not have it interfere with any of my other activities.
Image result for google calendar iphone
Image: Macworld

While my reasons are pretty simple, I feel like this app is very useful and more helpful than the current app I am using. I personally would recommend this app to anyone wanting to feel a tad more organized in their life, or even to get their organization started.

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